
How to take effective notes?

So let us begin with our journey!!🌈✨ Being a student, I know that having to deal with numerous textbooks and bundles of information from different sources can be hectic and confusing. These conditions are prone to do more harm than good for our exams and during the finals revision week, we just end up rewriting all the stuff over again. Now, how hectic is  🙄🙄 ?!!  So here are some of my tips and some tips I have come across on the internet that I regularly use while making my own notes. 1) Have a fixed notebook or section for a certain subject:       This one might sound obvious but I have found many of my classmates doing this mistake and would like to prevent you from doing the same. Try to make a particular notebook for each of your subject ( or if you use a binder, make a specific section for each subject). Make sure that you write all notes in that particular notebook or section Only  📓 📔 . Otherwise we can imagine you randomly scrambling...

Welcome to my world!!

Hey There, Peeps!! First & First, Truck Loads ( Or Plane loads Maybe!!) of Thank you for coming and visiting my blog. It is your tiny involvement which motivates me every time. Now, Of Course, I shouldn't just dive in all the contents which I want to share with you guys coz you will not feel connected. So here is a teeny tiny introduction about me and what I want to share with all of you... My Name is Manamee Ghosh, A simple girl from a simple world. I am from West Bengal, India and currently living in Gujarat ( Sorry if it sounds boring !!)  Now about my blog... This blog is basically a life blog... A blog about my life and my experiences. It will have my preferences and life from my perspective. It will contain topics related to study, stationery, books, movies, songs and travel coz these are the things that make up my life.  If you want study tips, you will get it here. If you want to know about my stationery choices, you will get it. If you want to know ab...